All Learn and Play Preschool teachers meet and exceed Florida State Department of Education requirements.
Every year, the directors, teachers, and assistant teachers must complete a required number of continued training hours. All staff have experience working with young children in supervised programs. In addition, our staff members truly love and understand child development and play-based philosophy. The low child/teacher ratio makes it possible for teachers to give the children the attention they need to succeed. The child/teacher ratios are as follows:
At Learn and Play Preschool in Hudson, Florida, we use Creative Curriculum for classroom activity ideas. The curriculum is created daily as the children’s interests and ideas are freely explored. The curriculum is based on the following:
Play Based: Play is the child’s natural process for learning and development. Within play’s natural learning environment children develop socially, emotionally, physically, and intellectually.
Child Directed: Children learn best when they have some control over their learning, when activities are meaningful and relevant, and when they make choices regarding what materials they use and how they will use them. These choices empower children to take control of their own learning and to become intrinsically motivated - the most effective and engaging way to learn.
Teacher Supported & Directed: Rather than a dispenser of knowledge, the teacher is primarily a facilitator enabling the child to learn from his/her own experience. The teacher prepares a nurturing environment, a wide variety of materials and activities, and many opportunities to explore. Curriculum is created daily and children are encouraged to make their own choices, explore their own ideas, and to follow their own interests.
Copyright 2017. Learn and Play Preschool, Hudson, Florida. All rights reserved.